Porcupine's Place

A place for me to pen down my thoughts I guess...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Not so smart after all

Presenting the SMART Tunnel.

Malaysia's pride and glory.
A total of RM1,887 million spent to show the world the engineering edge that Bolehland has.
After years of construction, it was finally opened on 14 May 2007.
The tunnel is claimed the longest stormwater tunnel in South East Asia and second longest in Asia.
Barely a few months into function, the tunnel had to be shut down due to various "technical problems".
And new, barely a year into function, they don't even know how well or how long does it take to irrigate water.
Check it out here.
There we are, ladies and gentlemen, Malaysia's very own SMART Tunnel designed to alleviate traffic jams and to enhance the irrigation systems.
The Tunnel does everything EXCEPT alleviate and irrigate water.
Talk about irony.



Apparently what most of my friends told me was true!!!

Friends: What you mean visit your blog? You literally update once, max twice a semester!

Me: That time no inspiration and busy ma... Now got motivation to start blogging again!

Friends: You sure bor? Don't talk the talk but don't walk the walk eh...

Me: Sure! No problem one!!!

And looking at the date of the posts... I have to say history tends to repeat itself...
Hahahaha... Especially when you have the same icons under the same conditions...

Things may be looking a bit up though...
Connection to blogger.com has gotten much better compared to the last time...
As such... to the readers of Porcupine's place.. Thanks for bearing with me...
You have not seen the last of me yet...
Am currently studying for the upcoming tests next week...
On Monday, laboraroty test
On Tuesday, ceramics materials test
On Wednesday, semiconductor materials test...

Can go crazy I tell you!!!

Currently listening to : My Chemical Romance - Disenchanted
